Jesus Is Building His Church
In the mid 1980s, the doors finally began to open back up into China. And when we were able to see what had happened to the Chinese church during the “closed” years we were the ones blown away. The church had not been lost…it was flourishing! The Chinese church had grown from 1 million to an estimated 30-100 million! Even the conservative estate of 30 million means there was almost 3000% growth over 30 years!! And all with no church buildings, no mega-churches doing great corporate worship (no medium or small sized ones either), and not many highly trained and educated pastors!
How did they do it? They couldn’t meet in large groups to worship corporately! So how did they flourish? Who did the evangelism? Where did Biblical teaching take place? In secret, in small home felllowships… in people’s houses! They had no church buildings, no trained pastors, no freedom of worship, and yet Jesus Christ grew His church in China by 3000%!! The Gospel cannot be quenched by man!
The bottom line is this: Jesus is building His church and He will not be stopped! But the question is I ask is this: are we going to sit back and watch Him build it all over the globe, or are we going to grab some tools and building it with Him?! Are you ready to put a little sweat equity into the eternal? Then let’s go get’em.
If you are looking for a place to serve, contact Brittany Brown (
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Mike Mitchener